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Director Office
Job Title Name Extension Responsibilities



  31311 Supervision of personnel affairs(綜理人事業務)




王秀娥 31318 Assisting in the supervison of personnel affairs (襄理人事室業務)
Review and Submission of Drafts from Each section (各組文稿複核及轉陳)
Senior Administrative Officer
WANG, HSIU-E Study and Formulation of Major Legal Cases and Personnel Regulations (重大法制案件及人事法規研議)
Planning and Promotion of Major Projects and Comprehensive Operations (重大專案及綜合業務之規劃與推動)
Other personnel related matters(其他臨時交辦事項)
The First Section
Job Title Name Extension Responsibilities
組長 林珮筠 34566 Management of first section(綜理第一組業務)
Section1 Chieff LIN, PEI-YUN
    31313 Organization(組織編制)
31315 Faculty Recruitment(教師聘任)
31316 Faculty Promotion(教師升等)
31319 Satff Recruitment(職技人員甄選)
31323 Staff employment and dismissal(職技人員任免)
31324 Staff Promotion(職技人員陞遷)
33155 Part-time Job of Faculty/staff(教職技人員兼職業務)
  MST researchers recruitment (科技部客座科技人才進用)
  Personnel Data Management(人事資料管理)
  Year-end bonus for Faculty and Satff researchers(教職員年終工作獎金)
  Issue Employment Certificate (助理及博士後研究在職證明、離職證明製發)
  Receiving and responding to documents sent to Personnel Office(本室公文收發、傳閱公文處理、歸檔) 
  Other personnel related matters(其他臨時交辦事項)
The Second Section
Job Title Name Extension Responsibilities
組長 張雯雅 31325 Management of second section(綜理第二組業務)
Section2 Chief CHANG WEN YA
    31314 Retirement and pension(退休撫卹)
31320 Election(選舉)
31321 Rewards and punishments(獎懲)
33115 Insurance(保險)
33116 Subsidy Application(生活津貼)
34567 Recreation(文康活動)
34569 Group insurance(團體保險)
34572 Training(訓練)
  Staff evaluation(考績)
  Civil service ethics(政風)
  Other personnel related matters(其他臨時交辦事項)
The Third Section
Job Title Name Extension Responsibilities
組長 范仁珠 34575 Management of third section(綜理第三組業務)
Section3 Chief Fan Ren Ju
    31312 Attendance management(差勤)
31317 Contract Employee recruitment(學校契約人員進用事宜)
31322 Full-time or part-time assistant recruitment(專兼任助理進用)
31371 salary and Year-end bonus for assistants researchers(學校契約人員薪資及年終工作獎金)
31378 Retirement for contract employee(約用人員退休)
34568 Labor Insurance(勞保)
34570 Individual Labor Pension Account(勞退)
  Second Generation National Health Insurance(二代健保補充保費)
  salary and Year-end bonus for skilled workers(技工工友年終工作獎金)
  Rewards and punishments for skilled workers(技工友獎懲)
  Other personnel related matters (其他臨時交辦事項)